Follow us on Facebook @Lorencesberryfarm
We post updates on produce in season, our farmers markets of the week, among other important information!
Raspberries typically run from August until mid to late September.
Watch our website and Facebook for updates.
Please always call before coming out 
because conditions and picking days can change!
Our days and hours can vary call for updates.
Conversions 101
  • 1 pint= 1 pound
  • 1 flat= 6 pound or 6 pints
  • 1 pint = 2 cups whole berries
  • 2 pints are needed for a 9" pie
  • Surejell requires 5 cups mashed berries to yield 9 cups jam


Pick Your Own Raspberries
$5 per pound
container provided

Prepicked Raspberries 
at the farm: 
$7 pint 
 $40 flat with 6 pints
 (Prices higher at farmers markets)

Frozen Raspberries 3# bag $24

We accept cash or check only

  • We welcome families to come and pick, however for the safety of the children they MUST be supervised (We recommend one parent for every two children)

  • In the raspberry fields there will be bees, take precautions if you have allergies as most of the time we do not have Benadryl or other medications in the field

  • It gets hot and buggy! We recommend you bring a water bottle, sunscreen, and bug spray

  • We love Fido as much as you, but due to food safety we do not allow pets into our fields

  • Help us keep the fields healthy by picking cleanly in our rows! 

"Berry Best" Raspberry Tips
  • Raspberries are one of the most delicate fruits

  • We sell our raspberries by the pint or flat (6 pints)

  • After picking or purchasing get the berries into the refrigerator as soon as possible

  • Raspberries will melt or mold if left in a hot car or on the counter overnight

  • Do not wash raspberries until ready to use